Tag Manager Server

Tag Manager Server Updates

Until the official release of DLYX The DataLayer Proxy all beta updates will be published here
under the old Working Title: Tag Manager Server.

The current TMS documentation can be found at www.tagmanagerserver.com/documentation/.

New Version v0.5.7 released - 2023-12-05

## v0.5.7
first version with placeholder usage in control center

New Version v0.5.2 released - 2022-10-17


## v0.5.2

New Version v0.5.1 released - 2022-10-17


## v0.5.1

New Version v0.5.0 released - 2021-10-30

Improve the robustness of client-side and server-side components.

## v0.5.0
- TMS Session Storage Observer
  - trigger a dataLayer Push event on TMS Session Storage changes for each variable
- Improvement of the dataLayer push event observer
  - Error prevention for TMS/GTM race conditions
- Caching for events before a page load now works properly
  - Activation via config.php with bAllEventsAfterPageviews = true

New Version v0.4.10 released - 2021-10-22

## v0.4.10
- Data Quality Improvement
  - Events before a pageview hit on a page can be paused and automatically transmitted after the pageview (Experimental Feature).
- Like GTM, boolean values are now also checked for "true" and "false" strings.
- More Debug Messages from server.
- Improvement with GA CliendId validation.
- Easy way to send 3rd party cookies to the TMS-Server via JavaScript.
- Bugfix: Avoid duplicate DataLayer push events under certain circumstances.

New Version v0.4.9 released - 2021-09-02

With this privacy update, we are aligning our tracking method even more closely with GDPR requirements. Without prior consent, Google Analytics data is transmitted anonymously and enables pure reach measurement. Our privacy firewall truncates the IP address in advance and filters Google identifiers such as the gclid from the tracking URL.

## v0.4.9
- Privacy Protection Improvements
  - Better connectivity of Consent Banner Services via the DataLayer.
  - Browser Session Storage for TabId can be disabled and will enabled with Consent.

New Version v0.4.8 released - 2021-07-15

To make our server-side tracking even more robust, we have integrated many new features. Now, lifetimes can be extended by the server via JavaScript cookies. We connected the Facebook Conversions API, solved CORS issues and running in Google Cloud is now possible.

## v0.4.8
- Server-side Cookie Variable (Read and write Browser Cookies via Server)
- UA Setting Variable transportURL is now supported (use this DataLayer Proxy for Googles server container)
- Processing of existing dataLayer data, before tms.js script initialization
  - Integration via GTM possible for testing, but tms.js is blocked by some browsers and AdBlockers.
- Debug console log message for additional JavaScripts from server
- Important debug informations now printed from api.php not TMS.php
- Request duration added to debug informations
- custom metrics and conten group tracking from ua settings variable
- Google Cloud implementation works with app one engine
- Tracking even with CORS issues
  - Google Analytics client ID from Datalayer
  - Cookie data transmission in post data via two separated arrays (configurable in gtm.js)
- Facebook Conversion API integration with new GTM-Template Tag

New Version v0.4.7 released - 2021-07-01

There were issues with JavaScript tags in connection with the debug console. So please update to this new version.

## v0.4.7
- Fix some issue of Custom HTML-Tag with JavaScript Code and debug_mode

New Version v0.4.6 released - 2021-06-16

This update is a big step towards flexibility in server-side tracking setup.
On the one hand, JavaScript code can now be loaded via the server in the frontend. And on the other hand, any other tracking endpoints can be served via a GET request.

## v0.4.6
- Server-side generated JavaScript Code via Custom HTML-Tag
- Simple server-side URL Request via Custom HTML Tag
  - Valid URL as content of the HTML-Tag generates a server to server request

New Version v0.4.5 released - 2021-03-30

Config and e-commerce tracking update.
Depending on the web hosting or CDN configuration, names of PHP server variables vary. These can now be set via the configuration.
In addition to the Enhanced E-Commerce Tracking, the standard E-Commerce Tracking is now also supported.

## v0.4.5
- GA EC-Tracking Integration
- Currency Code for GA-EEC added
- For special Server configurations the $_SERVER vars HTTP_HOST and REMOTE_ADDR are configurable in the config.php
- Configurable Client-ID read Sequence (default: ga_cookie,custom_cookie,server_session)

New Version v0.4.4 released - 2021-02-15

The untouchable dataLayer message events of the client-side GTM are now controllable with the automatic event name "message".
After a preventive software security check, the DataLayer request body is now restricted to prevent DDos attacks.

## v0.4.4
- Translate missing Event Name to "Message"
- Limit Maximum DataLayer Push-Event-Data Reqest Body Size to 20kb (DDoS attack prevention)

New Version v0.4.3 released - 2021-02-15

Now, under certain circumstances, it is possible to track Google Analytics without consent. For this purpose, all tracking data can be anonymized on your own server before it is forwarded to Google Analytics.
Tracking information can be cached in the server session. So, the Google Ads gclid does not need to be stored as a cookie or in other storage in the browser.
In addition, direct access to useful system variables such as client IP, clid and user-agent is possible.

## v0.4.3
- consent less tracking with GA-Session Overwrite Event
- GA storage settings: none|cookie
- server session storage (add session storage via custom GTM Template variable)
- useful system variables like client IP, clid and user-agent (add tms_system via custom GTM Template variable)

New Version v0.4.2 released - 2020-08-14

This is the first comprehensive and robust version of Tag Manager Server and is used on several live systems. With these supported tags, triggers and variables, a installation of complex international online store tracking setup is possible.

## v0.4.2
- Enhanced E-Commerce Tracking improvements
- Support of the most important trigger types: Page View, DOM Ready, Window Loaded and User-defined events
- New variables types like 1st-Party Cookie and Lookup Table
- add custom field referrer in ga setting variable to overwrite this value
- many more enhancements...